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How to Avail of the 8% Income Tax Rate on Gross Sales/Receipts

Income Tax for 2018 in the Philippines has been an interesting space lately because of the TRAIN Law (aka R.A. 10963). For self-employed individuals, it has been of particular interest because they now have an option to avail of a simpler 8% Income Tax Rate Option.

The BIR released Revenue Regulation 8-2018 which details how the income tax changes as per TRAIN will be applied. It answers a LOT of questions but it still leaves a few unanswered.

Who can avail of the 8% Income Tax Rate on Gross Sales/Receipts?

Any self-employed individual whose gross sales/receipts for the year does not exceed P3,000,000 (aka the VAT Threshold) can avail of the 8% Income Tax Rate on Gross Sales/Receipts.

Do I really save money if I go with 8% Income Tax Rate Option?

That exact question sounds so familiar… right, we wrote an article about exactly that: TRAIN’s new 8% Tax – Does it really save you money?

That article even comes with a calculator so click on over!

I’m currently registered as VAT tho – can I downgrade to non-VAT and opt in to 8% Income Tax Rate?

If your gross sales/receipts and other non-operating income in the preceding year (last year) did not exceed P3,000,000, then you have the option to change your registration to non-VAT until March 31, 2018. You have to do so via a Form 1905 submitted to your RDO.

EDIT: The deadline has been moved to April 30, 2018 as per a new RR released by the BIR – RR No 15-2018.

In this article, you can read more about switching from VAT to non-VAT.

Whew – I’m non-VAT! What happens to my percentage taxes if I opt for 8% Income Tax Rate?

You should submit a Form 1905 to end-date or, essentially, remove “percentage tax” from your registration. If you don’t, you will need to continue submitting quarterly percentage tax returns BUT with one big difference: the tax dues will always be ZERO and you should include a notation that says you are availing of the 8% income tax rate option. The process to do is similar to filing a Form 1905 to change your RDO.

And what happens to my Quarterly Income Tax returns?

You still need to file your initial quarterly income tax return with a note that says you are availing of the 8% income tax option. The initial quarterly income tax return is either the Q1 tax return OR the first quarterly income tax return you’re supposed to file right after you register. This opting in needs to be done on a yearly basis.

If you’re intending to file this online with Taxumo, this should be made simpler by choosing the option relevant to your situation, and Taxumo will handle the rest. Below is the link to the article:

How do I submit 2551Q and 1701Q with notation in line with opting in to the 8% Flat Income Tax Rate for Gross Receipts/Sales?


File 1701Q online and cut back on forms and lines

What if I file my Quarterly Income Tax return late or I miss notifying them that I want to opt in?

Then you will have to file your Income Tax Returns using the Graduated Income Tax Table AND also file quarterly percentage tax returns. Yup, back to normal PLUS… not certain yet, but you may have to also update your registration via Form 1905 and bring back percentage tax to your registration. Whooptidoo.

Wait wait… so how do I opt in again?

Ok so if you’re eligible, you can opt in by doing the following:

  1. End date percentage tax on your registration via Form 1905.
  2. If you did not end-date percentage tax, you need to keep submitting a zero tax value quarterly percentage tax return (2551Q) with a note that says you’re opting in for 8% Gross Sales/Receipts Tax.
  3. Submit the initial quarterly income tax return (1701Q) for the year with a note that says you are opting in for 8% Gross Sales/Receipts Tax.

Note that you can do Steps #2 and #3 above through Taxumo! We can help you file a 2551Q with the necessary notation by April 1. We can also help you file a 1701Q with that notation by May 1 (note that the deadline for 1701Q Q1 has changed to May 15).


EDIT: Regarding #2 above, Taxumo has already closed its filing of 2551Q 0-tax with notation. Do note that Taxumo CAN still file a non-8% Percentage Tax Return until April 20.

EDIT #2: Regarding #2 above, it has come to our attention that different RDO’s are implementing this ruling differently. Even though RR No 08-2018 specifically says “If the taxpayer is unable to timely update the required registration, s/he shall continue to file the percentage tax return reflecting a zero-amount of tax with a notation that s/he is availing of the 8% income tax.” So before you file this yourself, best to check with your RDO and see how they want you to process that filing.

EDIT #3: The BIR recently released RMC 32-2018, which clarifies how to opt in to the Flat Income Tax Rate:

Taxpayer shall signify his/her intention to elect the 8% income tax rate either by updating his/her registration using BIR Form No. 1905 or by checking/clicking Item No. 13 in BIR Form No. 2551Q or Item No. 16 in BIR Form No. 1701Q, and such election/option shall be irrevocable for the taxable year.

Our understanding is that they’re basically telling us that you can indicate your opt-in EITHER by (1) updating your registration via BIR Form 1905 or (2) ticking the appropriate option in the new 2551Q form or the new 1701Q form. You’re then stuck with what you chose for the taxable year. Looks like this would be similar to how taxpayers currently opt in to OSD.

So how do I compute for my new tax dues with the 8% Income Tax Rate?

So the first thing you have to answer is: does your income come solely from your business or practice of profession? OR are you a mixed income earner earning from both compensation and your business/profession?

If you’re the first (income solely from business), then use this formula:

Total Income Tax Due = 0.08 * (Gross Sales - 250,000)

If you’re the latter (mixed income), then use this formula:

Total Income Tax Due = (0.08 * Gross Sales) + Tax Due on Compensation

The main difference, as you can see, is that the P250,000 deduction is not applied for Mixed Income earners. Now, before you start rallying out on the streets, the reason is pretty straightforward: the P250,000 has already been deducted when you computed your tax due on compensation so it’s not being applied anymore to the tax from your business. Makes sense, right?

What if I suddenly exceed the VAT threshold?

First of all, congratulations! That’s a good problem to have, rainmaker!

These are the things you’re supposed to do once you exceed the threshold:

  1. Submit a Form 1905 to change your tax type to VAT. You have to do this within the month AFTER you exceeded the VAT threshold. So let’s say your gross sales reached P3.1 million in June. That means by July, you should update your tax type to VAT!
  2. You have to pay percentage tax from the start of the taxable year until the time you became liable for VAT. Continuing the example above, you’ll file percentage tax covering January to June. You have to pay the whole tax due by July 20 – when the next quarterly tax return is due. If you do so by then, no penalties are applied.
  3. Starting July, you are now liable to pay VAT. So that means that on the subsequent months, you’re filing VAT returns: 2550M (Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec) and 2550Q (Oct, Jan following year).
  4. For your income tax, you are now back on the Graduated Income Tax Table. Any income taxes paid while you were on the 8% Income Tax Rate option are deducted from your tax due.

Great! Got it! So how do I file for my 8% Income Tax?

Remember, what I said about there being some unanswered questions? That’s one of them. There are no details yet regarding the specific form to submit once you opt in. There are also no details yet on how frequent the submission of this form is supposed to be (although some sources say the BIR is leaning towards quarterly given the impact on the government’s cashflow if they only receive the cash once a year).

So we’re waiting again?

Yup! The TRAIN introduced a TON of changes so the BIR will need time to iron out the processes to ensure a smooth transition.

Every time some new IRR’s are released, we’ll be sure to share them with you!

Ready to file and pay your taxes online with Taxumo?


90 thoughts on “How to Avail of the 8% Income Tax Rate on Gross Sales/Receipts”

  1. I like your information on taxation. Very educational. Moreso it’s free. I wush to learn more from you. Thank you very much

      1. Hello! I recently registered as a freelancer, but when I got my 2303, it listed that I have to pay income and percentage tax. I assume that I wasn’t able to opt in the 8% rate. Can I still change this before the first quarterly payment?

        1. Hi! just to share, yes you can. As long as it before the filing for 1st Quarter ITR, you may still update your 2303. I just did yesterday.

      1. Just a question re: this – currently if we opt to use OSD and income is above 150k/quarter – Audited financial statement is no longer mandatory. With the use of 8% income flat rate – do we have information re: submission of audited financial statement? Thanks!

      1. Hi Jovic – I assume you mean a Form 2307 (Certificate of Tax Withheld)? If that’s what you mean, YES, it’s still deductible. ๐Ÿ™‚
        In [Taxumo], you can enter your 2307s and we help you deduct them from your forms as well! Try us out now.

        1. Thank you EJ. Got one last question. I already updated my COR via form 1905. Since my tax type is ITR only. Re: 1701Q do I have to file it every quraterly? If so can I still do it online (ebirform)? Or manually? Thanks

    1. Hi Lara, I can’t say for sure as the BIR didn’t release anything more specific than “notation.” However, with Taxumo, we’ll take care of that notation for you so you don’t have to worry about doing it incorrectly. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Pls help

        -shall i file 1905 to rdo to remove percentage tax when is the deadline for this?
        -if i filed the 1905 i dont need to submit zero tax 2551-q i just need to submit the 1701q?
        -i paid jan and feb 2551-m will i get a refund? how to claim refund or credits


        1. Shall i file 1905 to rdo to remove percentage tax when is the deadline for this?
          – Ideally you should end date your percentage tax before the percentage tax deadline. The RR did state that if you missed that deadline you’ll have to pass a zero-tax 2551Q with notation that you’re opting in to 8%. I assume you’ll have to keep doing this until you finally update your records.

          If i filed the 1905 i dont need to submit zero tax 2551-q i just need to submit the 1701q?
          – If you were able to do so before the percentage tax deadline, then yes, just need to submit the 1701Q with notation that you’re opting in.

          I paid jan and feb 2551-m will i get a refund? how to claim refund or credits
          – No guidelines/rules released by the BIR regarding this. We were able to find a way to refund Taxumo users but can’t say the same for non-Taxumo users, unfortunately. You may have to get a formal Tax refund (or at least refund certificate) from the BIR for this.

          1. I paid 2551M for jan and feb-mar using ebirform2551Q coz i dont know where to put as deduction for my jan payt and still no clear instruction for computing 1701Q. Can i still opt for 8% in my 1701Q1
            Hope you can help me. Thanks

  2. Thank you for this good article! I have a number of questions:
    1) When is the deadline of updating of COR (filing of 1905) if you opted for 8% Income tax? From what I understand, it should be updated by April 1 since it is the deadline of 2551Q filing. Is it correct? What happens if you were not able to file (even if you intended to do so) because of the long lines in BIR. Given that this updates were only released this week and there will only 3 working days next week…
    2) For project-based staff (considered as professionals) funded by the government, our 3% percentage tax were automatically deducted and supposedly remitted by the agency (for instance, state university)… So, if they still do that then there will be conflict when we opt for 8% income tax since they will still issue our quarterly 2307 with automatic 3% deduction.. right?

    1. Hi Laya, to answer your questions:
      1. As per the blog: If you did not end-date percentage tax, you need to keep submitting a zero tax value quarterly percentage tax return (2551Q) with a note that says youโ€™re opting in for 8% Gross Sales/Receipts Tax.
      Having said that, we do still recommend that you update your COR as soon as your able to.
      2. It’s not really a conflict as they should be giving you a Form 2307 – a certificate of creditable tax withheld. You use this to claim a deduction from your tax due. To illustrate (and this is an oversimplification) your form will show that you have a tax due of 8% and then you deduct the 3% withheld so the net would be the 5%.

  3. HI! Can you make a sample computation for 1701Q?
    For example my income for the quarter is 30000.

    My 1701Q will have to be
    30000*8%? So ill pay 2400 for quarter tax?
    30000-250000? In which case, i wonโ€™t have to pay anything?

  4. Hi!
    i have a few questions.
    1. after filing first 1701Q, do i need to file succeeding 1701Q?
    2. Do i pay 8% tax still for 1701Q?

    1. 1. Our assumption is that yes, you still do have to file 1701Q ongoing. It may actually be the case that the 1701Q is the same form you’ll file for 8% as well. We’ll see once the RR related to that is released.
      2. We’re still waiting for what form to file for the 8%. If the BIR confirms that it’s also the 1701Q, then yes, you’ll apply your 8% there.

  5. Hi Sir thanks for the info just a followup
    Shall i file 1905 to rdo to remove percentage tax when is the deadline for this?
    โ€“ Ideally you should end date your percentage tax before the percentage tax deadline. The RR did state that if you missed that deadline youโ€™ll have to pass a zero-tax 2551Q with notation that youโ€™re opting in to 8%. I assume youโ€™ll have to keep doing this until you finally update your records.

    ***********percentage tax deadline is Apr20 (for mo. of March hence I should submit 1905 to end date percentage tax before Apr20?

    if im not able to submit 1905.. when is the deadline of 2551q?

    Thank you

  6. Sir, I want to end-date my percentage tax through form 1905.
    Problem is, what option should I mark x? Is it change in tax type details or others? I really have no idea

  7. Sir, i am a freelance tutor (not online) and for jan-mar, i earned 53,000.00. My questions are:

    1. I will be paying using 2551Q and deadline is on april 15, will i be using 3% or 8%?

    2. For the 1701Q deadline is on the 15th of May? What if i donโ€™t opt for the 8% tax will i still cintinue to use OSD? (this is the option i have chosen eversince)

    3. If the new train law table will be used as basis for tax due then, i wonโ€™t be paying any? 53,000 – 250,000 = negative

    4. Do i still need to file it? Since itโ€™s no payment i have to file it online and succeeding filing will be thru EFPS? If with payment i still need to go to the bank to pay? (i need to register online then…sigh!)

    5. Is it okay not to update my COR since i not opting for the 8% tax? ( My annual income does not exceed 250,000.)

    6. Is it okay not to update my COR? I really donโ€™t like going to the BIR. Sa totoo lang po kahit wala ako iincome for a certain month, gagawan ko na lang ng income para lang di pumunta sa BIR kasi nauubos time sa haba ng pila and nagsasabi ka ng totoo na wala ka kita for the month, palalabasin pa na nagsisinungaling ka.

    6. Lastly, will i get a refund for my january payment?

    Thank you very much.

    1. Hi Andrea, to answer your questions:
      1. For 2551Q, what you pay will depend on what ATC you’re using. Most people are using PT010 which would be 3%. The computation for this is done automatically in [Taxumo] so you may want to give it a shot. ๐Ÿ™‚
      2. Yes it’s now 15th of May. If you’re not opting in to 8% then status quo for you. Note that we also updated [Taxumo] with the updated graduated income tax tables so the correct income tax is also computed for you there.
      3. That’s not how you use the graduated income tax table though.
      4. Yes you still file zero due filings.
      5. You may still have to to update your 2551M to a 2551Q.
      6. We recommend you still update.
      7. May I direct you to [this FAQ article please].

  8. Hi EJ,

    I note in the end that we don’t have any guidance yet (whether as to the form or to the frequency of filing) on how to file the 8% income tax. So this is different from the 1701Q talked about earlier in the article? If there is no official guidance yet, what do we do, do we still file the 1701Q for the first quarter? Thanks!

  9. Hi EJ,

    What happens if I already submitted my 2551M for Jan and Feb but I want to avail of the 8% in time for Q1 1701Q? Am I still going to declare zero earnings with a note?


  10. Hi,i have 2 business A and B, when i applied cor last mar 26 for bus.B my tin RF last 3 digit is question is, if i opt new 8% on my 1701Q to be filed on or befor may 15 i will add my total sales for bus.A and B, right? Can i opt for 8%, i have not yet submitted 1905 and bir did not ask me when i register new business if i want the new 8%. In cor of bus B, it say 2551Q. Sir can i still opt to choose 8% for both business? In filling i will be using last 3 digit as 000 correct po ba? Coz the 001 is only for annual RF of bus.B? I read in one of your article that even if not able to submit 1905 delete of 2551m can still opt for 8% but will attach a notation.

  11. Hello sir EJ,

    Thank you so much po for being patient and for accommodating all our inquiries.
    Couple of questions lang po sana ulet.

    1. Every quarter, TOTAL GROSS x 8% = TAX DUE.
    Yung 250K po is ileless sa ANNUAL filing, tama po? Hindi siya i-aapply sa first quarter filing kahit na kunwari less than or sobra sa 250K yung naeearn na income.

    2. If i-aavail yung 8% at since luma pa po yung 1701Q sa eBIRForm, okay lang po na kahit ano yung piliin method of deduction doon sa form (Itemized vs. OSD)? (Mas okay po sigurong OSD yung piliin para wala nang extra info na ipprovide). Tapos susulatan na lang po yung printed form ng note na 8% talaga ung in-aavail? Ganoon po ba?

    3. So may chance po na sa 1Q, sobra muna ung mababayad kay BIR since ibang computation ung magagamit dahil sa old form. Tapos ileless na lang yung sobra sa annualization?

    Thank you po ng madami!

    God bless!

    Best Regards,

  12. Hello! I updated my COR to 8 percent income tax only. Should i still file a 2551q even if i’m not going to pay for it anymore? I’m worried because I might have open cases if I wont file it online.

  13. I filed 1905 last april 1 to remove the percentage tax and avail 8% tax. The bir just received the form and did not issue new cor . Do i need to still file 2551q .

  14. Hi. I went to BIR to end date my percentage tax last month, unfortunately I still have to wait another 2 weeks to get my new COR. Maybe they will release it on 26th April. Do I still need to file 2551Q on the 20th April?
    Thank you

  15. I file using efps. When I logged in, the only forms in the drop box for quarterly one is 1710Q. When I opened it it is still the old one, only option for allowance is itemized or OSD 40%. I want to opt for 8% rate, so do I use this form? How do I fill it up to reflect I am opting for 8% rate. What attachments do I need to include to show this.Also,computation will be wrong if I use this since it either automatically compute based on what you choose when it prompts you to select itemized or OSD.
    What is the final date to file 1905 to end percentage, or update opting to 8% rate.
    Will BIR release updated 1701Q form on efps soon before May 15 deadline, if so can I just do opting of 8% rate just then without doing anything at all now.

  16. Hi Sir,
    Thank you for this great info, can you kindly enlighten me to my some queries..
    i’m a non vat , self employed.
    If i opt to use 8% rate, come this May15 quarterly ITR do I need to file using 1701Q form? For ex: my sales Jan-Mar is 350,000. Comp is 350k-250k= 150k * 8%.
    For succeeding quarters I will file also and will deduct 250k again? or the 250k is for annual deduction already?

    Thanks in advance

  17. Thank you, Taxumo! I was able to cancel my Percentage Tax with the help of this article!!
    But I have two questions:
    1. I haven’t filed for anything since January because I’ve been waiting for the new forms and procedure. I was able to opt for 8% just this April. Now, should I have filed for 2551Q with zero tax value for the 1st quarter? I’m worried that I might have open cases since I was not able to opt for 8% immediately at the beginning of the year.

    2. The first formula says “(Gross Sales – 250,000)”… what if my income for the first quarter hasn’t exceeded 250k? Do we put zero on the 1701Q?

    Thank you, Taxumo for being our guide through all this chaos. I’m hoping that BIR gets everything finalized soon!

  18. Hi sir good day , im a newly satisfied taxudo pro member, i want to ask this

    1. Ive updated my COR last april 12 via 1905 to avail the 8% train law tax returns , but im concered about the Listing on the COR that indicates a visible percentage tax quarterly via 2551Q in the tax type , but on the bottom it says : (if qualified and opted to avail the 8% income tax rate, the filling of quarterly percentage tax is not required for the current taxable year the option was made ) did i do the right thing ? cause i didnt submit a 2551Q this quarter . Tnx for your kind answer

  19. Hi good day, sir may i ask

    1. Ive updated my COR last april 12 from 2551M to the latest 8% but i was confused about the new COR cause its stated in the registered activities tax type a visible percentage tax quarterly via 2551Q But in the bottom it states ( if qualified and opted to avail of the 8% income tax rate , the filling of quarterly percentage tax return is not required for the current taxable year the option was made) and i didnt file any 2551q this 25th, Knowingly that my concern is filling a 1701Q this May and to tick the availed 8% option , did i do the right thing ?

    2. Does every newly issued COR to avail the 8% contain a visible percentage tax quarterly in their tax type and an option on the bottom with a **

    Tnx for your advance answer more power and God bless


  20. Hi sir EJ,

    What if I already updated my COR to quarterly percentage tax and I did not opt for the 8% graduated tax:
    1.)Is it right for me to file 2551Q with the gross amount of receipt from January to March 2018?
    2.)How about on 1701Q what I should file for that?Same process as before?Gross Income less expenses then the amount base on the income tax table?
    3.)What are other taxes do I need to file aside from this?

  21. Hi sir,
    I am a self employed individual and had my COR updated.
    Does this mean that i will only file 1701 q and 1701 for the year?
    and no more filing of 3%?

  22. i just got my COR last May 2, 2018. my COR do have percentage tax quarterly as noted. Do I need to file 2551Q and 1701Q before May 15? i want to avail the 8% tax on gross as my busiess is registered as single prop. am i qualified to avail it?

  23. hi taxumo,

    I used to file 2551m, and due to the recent changes, missed filing my 2551q, which I dont really do, since I am filing the 2551m. how do I go about it? my gross income as self employed person is 240,000. What do I do? and what forms do I need to file?

  24. Hi, got a question. So if I’m filing the 1701Q no need for me to file the 2551Q? Before its the 2551M right? so if i will avail the 8% the only form that I will quarterly file is teh 1701Q and no need to file the 2551Q?

  25. hi good day!!
    My income came from business and compensation and I availed the 8%, my question is how to compute 1701q?? Thank you so much!

  26. Hello, I opt in 8%, what will be the right computation if my 1st quarter income is 360k? and when do I have to deduct the 250K?

    1. Hello Jan,
      The opting in needs to be done on a yearly basis. Since you already paid the 2551Q, it is best to avail the 8% tax by next year. ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. I hope you can answer my urgent query:

    I have not updated my COR yet to avail of this 8% IT rate. Still confuse and thinking its the safest, I paid 3% of my gross receipts last Apr 25, the deadline for the qtrly percentage tax.

    Now that its Q1 ITR filing due tomorrow, what would be my ATC?
    (1) Should I use 8% IT rate or Graduated IT rate?

    If 8% IT rate,
    (2) can I use the amount I paid in my qtrly percentage tax as “Other Tax Credit” when I file the 1st Qtr ITR?

    (3) can i still update my COR to effect the changes in my tax to specifically show that Im availing this 8% IT rate?

    Thank you. Hoping to get your response very soon (fingers crossed)

  28. Hi EJ,

    Ive recently updated my 2303. When i was applying, the revenue officer asked me to write a notation that i would avail the 8% income tax rate. However, when i received my 2303 it’s still indicated that i need to file a quarterly percentage tax. How do i go about this?

    Thanks and more power!

    1. This differs per RDO – some remove the Percentage Tax Quarterly but MOST still put in Percentage Tax Quarterly. From my understanding, opting in to 8% has to be done in an annual basis moving forward, via the 1701Q form. Short answer – best to check with your RDO. At this point, how they implement differs so best to check with them.

  29. Hi! Just a question since I have been an employee all my life and has recently accepted a consultant role. For the computation of income tax, it would be (Gross-250,000)*0.08? There will be no need to deduct the contributions in SSS, Pagibig and Philhealth to the gross before subtracying 250,000? Just asking since this is the case for employees. Thanks.

    1. It’s a little bit more complicated than that (filing quarterly, depending on where your income is coming from, whether you were able to opt in on time), etc. ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Pingback: How to Properly Accomplish and File the BIR form 1701Q

  31. Pingback: A Comprehensive Guide on Filing Quarterly Percentage Tax l Taxumo Blog

  32. Pingback: Brand New 2551Q Form (Quarterly Percentage Tax) with 8% Opt In | Taxumo - File & Pay Your Taxes in Minutes!

  33. Pingback: TRAIN's New 8% Tax - Does it really save you money? | Taxumo - File & Pay Your Taxes in Minutes!

  34. Hi, how are we going to know if we are eligible to avail of the 8% tax rate? We were confused because of the reminder at the bottom of the COR which states that Self Employed Individuals will be automatically subjected to graduated income tax rates, hence, will be required to file 2551Q. If we are not eligible, then we have to file the 2551Q form, if we are eligible, then the 8% tax rate will already be sufficient?

  35. Hi! I just registered as Freelance Consultant and Opted for a 8% tax payment. However, when I received my COR, it states that I have to pay Income Tax and Percentage Tax (Quarterly) . Was it an error on their part or do I really need to submit quarterly form for percentage taxes?

    1. Hi Micah! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Some RDOs will still state in your COR that you need to file your Percentage Taxes even if you opted to the 8% flat income tax rate type. Though when you file your Percentage taxes your tax due will always be 0.00. With Taxumo, you can file this together with your Income Tax by availing our 8% Plan. To know how to use the platform, contact our Customer Advocates at ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. If I have opted in to 8% flat rate last year, do I need to notify the BIR again every year that I’m availing the 8% flat rate by going to the same process I did last year?

    1. Hi Ryan, the BIR recently released RMC 32-2018, which clarifies how to opt in to the Flat Income Tax Rate:

      Taxpayer shall signify his/her intention to elect the 8% income tax rate either by updating his/her registration using BIR Form No. 1905 or by checking/clicking Item No. 13 in BIR Form No. 2551Q or Item No. 16 in BIR Form No. 1701Q, and such election/option shall be irrevocable for the taxable year.

      Our understanding is that theyโ€™re basically telling us that you can indicate your opt-in EITHER by (1) updating your registration via BIR Form 1905 or (2) ticking the appropriate option in the new 2551Q form or the new 1701Q form. Youโ€™re then stuck with what you chose for the taxable year. Looks like this would be similar to how taxpayers currently opt in to OSD.

      1. Hi Veni,
        Thanks for answering my question.
        So does it mean I don’t have to go to the BIR office then submit the required documents once again to apply for the 8% flat rate?

        On my COR, I already have the stamp “AVAILED 8% INCOME TAX – TRAIN LAW”

  37. What if I chooses 8% income tax last year then the next year the total Gross Sales/Receipts Exceed VAT Threshold of P3,000,000. Will the tax I pay change?

    1. Maria Millicent Dela Cruz

      Hello Anon,

      Yes, you should also inform your RDO that you have exceeded the Php3,000,000 annual revenue as there is a need to update your Certificate of Registration.

  38. Employed po ako ng january to april. Resigned din ng april. Planning to work online and register as self-employed. Can I avail po ba yung 8% tax this taxable year (di ko kasi sure kasi previously employed ako). Thank you!

    1. Maria Millicent Dela Cruz

      Hello Zei,

      For tax filing with Taxumo, we do have different subscription plans you can choose from. In order for us to determine which is best for you may we ask what are the tax forms you need to file as per your Certificate of Registration?

      How would you like to file are you under 8% or Graduated Income Tax Rate Type?

      If you are not sure of how to respond to our questions you may send us a copy of your COR via so we may assist you further. You may cover important details so as to protect your privacy. ๐Ÿ˜Š

      1. Hi Maria, currently I am not yet registered. As I am planning to work as full-time freelance (online service), mag paparegister po ako ng Self-Employed status, just curious if ung 8% can be availed kasi I worked ng 1st quarter as an employee, then resigned. Then I am thinking of availing the 8% subscription plan here after I process my registration if ever. Thanks po sa sagot! Godbless!

  39. my questions:
    1) I’m a free-lance software developer. I’m paying BIR quarterly with 1701Q and 2551Q forms. I’m using graduated rates and optional standard deduction. In both forms, I don’t see input box for contribution deduction (like SSS, PhilHealth & Pag-Ibig). Should I deduct it instead to revenue or gross-income?
    2) In Pasig, is it true they don’t offer OTR (Occupation Tax Receipt)? So free-lancers are force to have business permit even they do home from home without office or no employee.

  40. Pingback: How To File Your Annual ITR (1701, 1701A & 1700) | Updated For 2021

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